Acetaminophen is the Leading Cause of Liver Failure!

Yike! The so-called “safe” pain-killer acetaminophen has now been identified as the leading cause of liver failure!

Acetaminophen and Your Liver

“Many of the people who had accidentally poisoned themselves did so by taking just 10 grams of the medication each day for about three days – the equivalent of about 20 pills per day instead of the recommended eight, an overdose that might be less serious with other drugs. Other people had unwittingly taken two products that both contained the drug (Hepatology, vol 42, p 1364).”

Boost Your Bone Health!

Magnesium is a benefit to bone health. Yet, most Americans don’t get enough. The best way to get it into your diet is fresh, green leafy vegetables. However, supplementation can be a benefit, especially if you are already prone to osteoporosis.

Boost Bone Health with Magnesium!

“In a study of more than 2,000 seniors between ages 70-79, researchers found only 25 percent got enough magnesium. Another interesting number: A patient’s body mineral density (BMD) jumps 2 percent for every 100 milligrams of magnesium he or she consumes daily.” – Dr. Mercola

Defining Terms – What is “Naturopathy?”

Naturopathy is a philosophy which encompasses a view of life, a model for living a full life. The word naturopathy is a Latin-Greek hybrid which can be defined as “being close to or benefiting from nature.” Stewart Mitchell, Naturopathy: Understanding the Healing Power of Nature

A traditional, classical naturopath specializes in wellness. That is to say, teaching clients how applying natural lifestyle approaches can act to facilitate the body’s own natural healing and health building potential. The classical naturopath does not undertake to “diagnose” or “treat diseases,” but rather recognizes that the majority of sub-health conditions are cumulative lifestyle effects, and that the underlying cause of what we call “disease” (or, “dis-ease”) is improper diet, unhealthy habits, and environmental factors which cause biological imbalances leading to a weakening of the bodies’ natural defenses and subsequent breakdown in health. The practice of Classical, or Traditional, Naturopathy is not considered the practice of medicine and is currently legal in all 50 states.

The practice of Traditional Naturopathy is recognized as a common occupation at the Federal level (U.S. Congress 1928, 1929, 1930 and 30 Federal Court rulings between 1958 and 1978) and as such it is a profession protected under the 14th and 9th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. Several states have also made this stipulation either by statute or in the Courts.

All disease (dis-ease) is a “lack of ease” or lack of homeostasis in the body. What Allopathic (medical) doctors call diseases are only symptoms of a greater underlying problem. Disease is nothing more than a manifestation of our bodies trying to correct imbalances. These Imbalances are due to faulty nutritional patterns, improper rest, stress management and other lifestyle considerations which over time can result in a weakening of the body. By the time disease appears on the scene it is very late in the game!

Our body tells us early on when there is a problem and we can either respond to these “messages” or try to suppress the symptoms the body uses to tell us there is a problem. You can take Tylenol, or other drugs, to suppress the symptoms and they will help for a while but, unless the underlying problem is corrected, eventually the symptoms will no longer be suppressed by these drugs and one will need to take stronger and stronger drugs to quiet the body’s message.

Eventually, if the underlying problem has not been addressed, the body will begin to break down structurally. It is at this time modern medicine is finally capable of diagnosing something is really wrong and offer interventions to fix the structure, but still medical doctors fail to address the underlying problem.

Naturopathy concentrates on identifying destructive aspects of the lifestyle in the early phases, when lifestyle changes can occur to bring long-term benefit. Before symptoms manifest and long before a diagnosis can be rendered, these destructive aspects of our lifestyle can be identified and corrected. Once corrected, the body automatically begins to correct itself. Diagnosing disease and illness is totally unnecessary to correcting the underlying problems which result in disease and illness.

A true healer does not waste his time concentrating on naming diseases but rather on identifying those underlying factors, which if not addressed, will eventually result in the manifestation of disease and illness. These factors can be identified and corrected long before it is even possible to make any diagnosis. Even after a diagnosis is made, the same concepts of healing used by Traditional Naturopaths are equally effective, because once balance is restored the body automatically heals itself!

Aloe Vera – Not Just for External Use!

Most “ol’ time” folk healers know the benefits of Aloe Vera. Particularly as a soothing balm (the gel) on burned skin. However, a lot of people that are interested in natural health and alternative remedies are NOT aware that Aloe Vera can also be taken internally as well!

Aloe Vera (barbadensis miller) contains over 20 minerals, all of which are essential to the human body. The human body requires 22 amino acids for good health — eight of which are called “essential” because the body cannot fabricate them. Aloe Vera contains all of these eight essential amino acids, and 11 of the 14 “secondary” amino acids. Aloe Vera has Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E.

Now, you CAN get too much of a “good thing” in this case, as Aloe Vera is also a purgative in large amounts! But, taken in very small amounts, or greatly diluted with distilled water, it can be as soothing to the internal system as it is to external! Aloe is traditionally described as an Emollient, Purgative and Vulnerary. It is also used for its antibacterial, anesthetic and antiseptic properties externally, and is good to use as a tool for restoration of tissue.

Aloe Vera

There is also excellent research being conducted into other uses for Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera: Myth or Medicine?

This simple, yet beneficial, plant is truly a treasure trove of health benefits!

A Bad Bill that would Restrict Your Access to Vitamins and Herbs

I like to let you know when “good laws” are suggested to help preserve our health freedoms, but I also want to warn you when BAD bills are introduced! And this one is a “doosy!”

HR3156 Would Restrict Your Freedoms!

H.R. 3156, otherwise known as the “Dietary Supplement Access and Awareness Act,” is being touted as an education bill, but would increase health costs and could deny American health consumers access to some currently-available herbs and non-vitamin dietary supplements.

H.R. 3156 will likely increase the price of popular herbs and dietary supplements like St. John’s Wort, saw palmetto, and omega-3 fatty acids by establishing a burdensome and unnecessary set of ingredient and adverse event reporting requirements. There is a link in the article above that you can follow up to fight this bill!

Seven Ways to Protect Your Heart with Anti-Inflammatory Alternatives!

As you may have heard, Vioxx and other NSAIDS (Non-Sterioidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) have come under close scrutiny lately, with Vioxx being pulled from the market earlier this year. And yet, there are times that a remedy for chronic pain would be benefical that did not create inflammation (like aspirin would.)

Dr. Mercola’s Seven Ways to Protect Your Heart with Anti-Inflammatory Alternatives

Notice, that these are natural substances with no long term side effects! Natural is best!

Welcome to my Blog!

I will be blogging about Natural Health issues from the viewpoint of a Traditional Naturopath. Here’s a “quick and dirty” bio on me:

“Dr. Bill Bailey is a Certified Natural Health Professional, and a Doctor of Naturopathy. He has a Ph.D. in Theology, and is a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath, certified by the American Naturopathic Certification Board (ANCB.) He is also a Master Herbalist, and a Professional Member of the American Association of Nutritional Consultants, and of the Coalition for Natural Health. He is one of the founders, and currently serves as a Board Member, of the North Carolina Chapter of the Certified Natural Health Professionals. He also serves on the Board of the Citizens for Healthcare Freedom.”

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