Former General Warns of Eroding Healthcare Freedom in the US

There are many efforts afoot to curtail our healthcare freedoms. That is why I try to report here when I find these efforts are gaining ground. I have been aware of the European Union’s Codex Alimentarius for some time, but this article covers it quite well!

Former General Warns About Loss of Health Freedoms

“Some of the points made during their interview (of General Stubblebine) are:

– Codex Alimentarius requires that all meats, poultry, fish, fruit and vegetables must be irradiated by Dec. 31, 2009.

– Codex Alimentarius requires that all dairy cattle are to be given Monsanto bovine growth hormone by Dec. 31, 2009.

– Codex Alimentarius reclassifies vitamin and mineral supplements as toxins and dramatically limits their dosage and availability.

– Many nations have already harmonized their laws with Codex Alimentarius making it their de facto law. This has already been approved by the European Union, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and others.

– Codex Alimentarius allows significant trade sanctions to be levied against noncompliant nations.

General Stubblebine remarked, ‘This is a developing situation that every health conscious American should be aware of. The implementation of Codex Alimentarius is quietly going forward without the participation of the American public. Americans need to be involved if they want to insure that the choices they have today are here tomorrow’. Dr. Laibow agrees, she added, ‘Many of the changes that Codex Alimentarius requires are not in our best interest'”.

Black Currants may help Alzheimers

The Black Currant is an herb occasionally found wild in damp woods as far north as the middle of Scotland, but is considered to be a true native only in Yorkshire and the Lake District – when found apparently wild in other parts of the country, its presence is due to the agency of birds. It is easily distinguished at all seasons by the strong perfume of its buds and leaves. The Black Currant herb has been studied recently with regard to Alzheimers:

Black Currant and Alzheimers

Black currants contain anthocyanins and polyphenolics, antioxidant compounds that pack a potent protective effect on neuronal cells against stressors caused by dopamine and amyloid-b, the peptide associated with Alzheimer’s.

These compounds protect a patient from Alzheimer’s at the cellular level early on by influencing gene expression in learning and memory that benefits cell signaling pathways and, subsequently, communication between neuronal cells, according to researchers.

Protect Your Healthcare Freedoms in NC!

People often ask me what they can do to assure that we have the healthcare freedoms and choices to use complementary and alternative health modalities in North Carolina. Well, I have mentioned the House Bill (1303) that is in study committee right now, before. This bill is critical to assure our personal choice for healthcare remains open in North Carolina. I would strongly encourage you to join the NC Citizens for Healthcare Freedom to support their efforts to pass this bill! Membership is open and costs only $35.00, yet that goes a LONG way toward paying expenses, supporting a lobbyist for the cause, and assuring that our healthcare freedoms are preserved! Please consider joining CHF! I have a link to the membership form below:

CHF Membership Application (PDF Format)

Here’s their website link:

Citizens for Healthcare Freedom

Why Dark Chocolate is Good for Your Heart

Research indicates that eating some forms of dark chocolate is actually good for your heart. But, why?

Dark Chocolate Benefits

“…Researchers may have pinpointed the reason for those benefits, based on their analysis of the health of the Kuna Indians of Panama who consume three to four cups of flavanol-rich cocoa daily.

One of these flavanols — epicatechin — was responsible for those vascular benefits the Kuna Indians experienced when they drank certain cocoas. Among those benefits:

  • Higher levels of nitric oxide in the blood, demonstrating the flavanols were absorbed into, and present in, the bloodstream.
  • Patients with high levels of epicatechin experienced improved circulation.
  • Consuming pure epicatechin had almost the same effect as eating flavanol-rich cocoa.
  • Double the Vitamin B12 to Go, Please!

    Natural Health advocates have known for a LONG time that the government’s RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) dietary guidelines are more like the “Recommended absolute minimums to stay alive”… not, to remain healthy. Now, research is proving us right (again!)

    Double the Vitamin B12

    “Vitamin B-12 is essential for maintaining healthy nerve cells and red blood cells; a deficiency in the vitamin can cause symptoms ranging from the subtle — including fatigue and mild dizziness — to more severe complications like nerve damage, anemia and even dementia.

    Though the typical Western diet provides people with far more than the current RDA for B-12, certain individuals are at risk for a deficiency.

    Unlike most vitamins, B-12 occurs naturally only in animal products, including meat, poultry, fish and, in lesser amounts, eggs and dairy. So vegetarians and vegans — who avoid all animal products, including dairy — may have low stores of the vitamin.

    The same is true of adults older than 50, as many have a thinning in the stomach lining that prevents the proper release of digestive acids. Stomach acids are essential for ‘shaking loose’ vitamin B-12 from its food source, allowing it to be absorbed. So older adults are advised to get their B-12 from pills and fortified foods like cereal; the synthetic version of the vitamin is more readily absorbed than the natural form.”

    I disagree, of course, with that last statement. Natural vitamins are better absorbed, as long as accompanied by natural enzymes. So, good, whole, raw organic food is best.

    The North Carolina Naturopathic Physicians Registration Act

    There are two bills (one in the Senate, one in the House) in North Carolina that are called the “Naturopathic Physicians Registration Act.” These bills are very bad news for Naturopaths and people that care about Health Care Freedom in North Carolina. Why? For the full story, check this web site (which I also designed):

    Classical Naturopathy Web Site

    Why license traditional Naturopathic Practitioners at all? Haven’t Traditional Naturopaths been teaching wellness for many, many years without licensure? Well, there are two main “drivers” for such licensure among the states considering it (like North Carolina.)

    One, an organization, founded and primarily composed of one group of so-called “Naturopathic Physicians” have been attempting to “stir up” U.S. state legislatures with “dire warnings” of the practices of “unlicensed health practitioners.” They cite examples of so-called “Naturopaths” that have recommended that individuals go off their insulin, or other medications, with, of course, tragic consequences. They incite fear and use the good will of men and women in positions of influence in state governments to “drum up” the call for licensure. The second reason stipulated as a driver for licensure is to “controlâ€? the practice of Naturopathy because the advocates of licensure liken Naturopathy to Medical Practice. Which, by definition, Naturopathy IS NOT!

    But what is the real reason the these so-called “Naturopathic Physiciansâ€? are doing this? In my persoanl opinion it is to “co-opt” the term “Naturopath,” “ND,” and “Naturopathic” as their own… to the exclusion of classical, and traditional definitions of Naturopathy. This group, led by an organization called the “AANP” (American Association of Naturopathic Physicians) go from state to state, and, in so many words, say that THEY are, in fact, the only TRUE Naturopaths, and that THEY are the ones that should define what Naturopathy is. This has led many states to acquiesce to their demands and one-sided proclamations and pass laws that, in effect, “shut out” the Traditional Naturopath from using the term “Naturopath,” or “ND,” when referring to themselves. In effect, if one didn’t go to the AANP’s “approved school list,” then one can’t use the term “ND!”

    First, let’s examine some definitions. A “Naturopath” is historically simply a teacher of wellness, that by traditional definition DOES NOT use surgery, drugs, or other harsh, or invasive methodology in their consulting. In fact, the acknowledged founder of American Naturopathy, Dr. Benedict Lust, told Naturopaths, “Remember: Naturopaths are Doctors – minus Materia Medica and Surgery”. The “materia medica” Dr. Lust was referring to was prescription drugs. The AANP, and those of their ilk, have attempted to re-define Naturopathy to be a “poor man’s medicine” INCLUDING the use of surgery and prescribing drugs! If one wants to be an Allopathic Doctor (MD), then they should go to medical school and get an MD! It is folly to re-define the traditional, classic Naturopathic practices to include that which was never a part of the practice to begin with! They have begun calling themselves “NMDs” or Naturopathic Medical Doctors, and they wear white lab coats to help foster the notion that they are “medical men and women.” And they are attempting to re-define a traditional practice of teaching wellness, and are, at the same time, “cutting out the competition,” if you will, in one fell swoop!

    Unfortunately, on the surface, this plan to “steal” the term “Naturopathy” appears to be working! The Traditional Naturopath is a simple teacher of health practices and wellness, they are not organized and backed by large organization that are lobbying state legislatures… and they are being overrun!

    The AANP even has a special web site that lists how to approach state legislatures, gives “talking points” to introduce licensing (favorably) to them, and then proceeds to “educate” their people about getting a state to invoke licensure!

    Have there been extremes and bad advice given by so-called “Naturopaths” that has been a detriment to individuals in the past? Yes, of course. There are “bad apples” in any profession, and there are laws in place to deal with such problems. My heart (and prayers) go out to anyone that has received bad health information or counsel. However, the vast majority of Classical Naturopaths would NEVER counsel anyone to go off their medicines or go against a doctor’s advice! The common statement heard by reputable Naturopaths is to “check with your doctor about any recommendations made or supplements suggested.” Our tradition is non-evasive and is guided by the simple admonition of Hippocrates, “Above all do no harm.” This, from a man who was himself a true Naturopath. One that recommended nutritional therapies such as herbs to remedy conditions of sub-health.

    Now, let’s consider the question of using the term “ND.” An “ND” is one that has entered a field of study and earned a doctorate in the field of Classical Naturopathy. The AANP would assert that only their short list of “approved schools” (approved only by this one group) can award an “ND.” They have even set up their OWN accrediting organization to this end, the CNME. In this way, they are an “authority” unto themselves! This is the equivalent of, say, North Carolina State University suddenly declaring, “Only our BAs (Bachelor of Arts) are real degrees! Any other school is a sham!” If I had received a BA degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill… would I still have a “real” BA? (Of course I would!) What if NC State petitioned the NC Legislature to legally bar the use of the term “BA” by University of NC at Chapel Hill alumni? Oh, there would be a hew and cry! But in fact, simply because people such as the AANP have made an effort and have the financial backing that allow them to co-op the term “ND” to be theirs and theirs alone, and have misled well meaning legislators to support these efforts… they have helped pass laws that bar other legitimate school’s alumni from even using the term “ND” after their name, they have effectively “closed out” anyone that would claim an “ND” and practice Traditional Naturopathy! This is a shame, and is a sad turn of events!

    I, personally, am one of those that have studied Traditional Naturopathy and reject the idea that a Naturopath would EVER perform surgery, or prescribe medication. I have earned my Doctorate in Naturopathy from the Trinity College of Natural Health (not one of the AANP’s so-called “approved schools.”) I also have a Ph.D. in Theology, and I am a Certified Natural Health Professional. However, if the law pending in North Carolina is passed, I will be LEGALLY UNABLE to use the degree I have worked so hard to earn! By “use,” I mean I will be unable to use “ND” on a business card… and I am not even clear if I will be able to hang the degree on the wall of my home! This, in my opinion, is a tragic injustice to those of us who are studying the true, non-invasive, non-medical Traditional Naturopathy!

    Let your North Carolina Representatives hear that NC House Bill 1234 and NC Senate Bill 1025 are BAD legislation! And, refer them to the web site I listed above!

    Over the Counter Cough Syrup is Useless!

    Over the Counter (OTC) cough syrup is heavily advertised to help you keep coughing to a minimum during illness. But a new study says, in effect, don’t waste your money!

    OTC Cough Syrup is Useless!

    “Irwin’s committee echoed a 2004 paper by the Cochrane Collaboration, a non-profit group that reviews scientific evidence for medical treatments: ‘There is no good evidence for or against the effectiveness of OTC medicines in acute cough.'”

    They go on to say that there is a string placebo effect that probably explains why people think they are effective.

    How to Detox

    I had a question from one of our readers in Canada on what to do to detox. I decided to go ahead and list my answer here, with the links, because I figure that many others may have this question as well…

    There are several good links that I like:

    This one: Detox Article

    Especially the section on: “How Do We Detoxify/Cleanse?”


    Detox Information

    Here’s the “Supports” Section from that page:


    Because of its many metabolic functions, the liver is the most important detoxification organ. Liver-supportive nutrients like the B vitamins (especially B3 and B6), vitamins A and C, zinc, calcium, vitamin E, selenium and L-cysteine are supportive of liver detoxification. Some doctors recommend a liver glandular during cleanses.

    Saunas, sweats and dry brushing the skin are commonly used during cleanses to help purify the body through enhanced skin elimination. Massage therapy, especially lymphatic and even deeper massage, is also useful in supporting a detoxification program.

    There are many cleansing herbs, including garlic, red clover, echinacea, dandelion root, chaparral, cayenne pepper, ginger root, licorice root, yellow dock, burdock, parsley and goldenseal.

    I hope this helps!

    New Studies: Statins Do Not Prevent Cancer

    Two new studies show that statins, the popular drugs used to lower cholesterol and prevent heart attacks, offer no protection against cancer, contrary to what some earlier studies suggested.

    Statins Do Not Prevent Cancer

    Statin drugs have taken a lot of heat recently as some studies indicate that they may damage the heart and liver. Again, I firmly believe that the natural approach is best. Diet, exercise, and healthy attitudes and living will stand you in good stead!

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