Antibiotics Over-prescribed for Sinus Infections

“U.S. doctors may be over-prescribing antibiotics for sinus infections, which are often caused by viruses and not bacteria, according to a study released Monday. A review of two national surveys of visits to doctors and recommended treatments found antibiotics prescribed for about 82 percent of acute sinus infections and nearly 70 percent of chronic sinus infections, researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha said. That ‘far outweighs the predicted incidence of bacterial causes. The literature repeatedly shows that viruses are by far the most frequent cause of acute rhinosinusitis,’ the study, published in this week’s Archives of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, said.”

Antibiotics Over-prescribed for Sinus Infections

Again, YOU are the person most responsible for YOUR health… if your Allopathic practitioner prescribes an antibiotic, ask why, and mention this study! Remember that “anti” means “against” and “bio” means “life.” These drugs are designed to kill living bacteria. The problem arises when they kill the good bacteria in the gut. (As well as your body building resistance to the effects of the antibiotic… or the “bad” bugs building resistance to them… so that if you ever were to really need them… they wouldn’t be as effective.) Ask questions! Become the leader of your own healthcare, not a blind follower!

Have You Seen the Ambien and Lunesta Commercials? Do They Tell You That They Might Make You Crazy?

No… I bet not!

New warnings for sleeping pills

“The most widely prescribed sleeping pills can cause strange behavior like driving and eating while asleep, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which announced Wednesday that strong new warnings would be placed on the labels of 13 drugs. The agency also ordered the makers of the well-known drugs, Ambien and Lunesta, and the producers of 11 other commonly used sleeping pills to create patient fliers explaining how to safely use them. The fliers, which the agency says it requires when it sees a significant public health concern, will be handed out at pharmacies when consumers fill their prescriptions. Although the agency says that problems with the drugs are rare, reports of the unusual side effects have grown as use of the sleeping pills have increased. U.S. sales of Ambien and Lunesta alone last year exceeded $3 billion. Use of those medications and other similar drugs has soared by more than 60 percent in the United States since 2000, fueled by television, print and other advertising. Last year, makers of sleeping pills spent more than $600 million on consumer advertising.” (Emphasis mine!)

$600 Million to tell you how GREAT the drugs are… but simple fliers that tell you, oh yeah, by the way… they may turn you into a loon!

Can You Handle the Truth?

Can you handle the content of this video? It is information about what the WTO and the FDA plan to do to take away your rights to use vitamins and supplements… it is about basic health freedoms.


Sad… but true. Encourage people that you know are ignorant of these issues to take the 28 minutes to watch this video. We have to stand up against this kind of health tyranny!

For more information on Codex Alimentarius… check out this link:

Codex Alimentarius – The Sinister Truth Behind Operation Cure-All

Wow! If, as the video says, a woman in Europe has been arrested for selling a 500mg Vitamin C tablet… what would they do with me, personally, taking 3000mg (3 grams) of Vitamin C per day?

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Slash Colorectal Cancer Risk in Men by 66 Percent!

“Omega-3 Fatty Acids, found in flaxseed, fish and other foods, may reduce the risk of getting colorectal cancer by two-thirds in men, a new study suggests. There is one caveat, though: the effect is seen in men who do not take aspirin.”

Omega-3 fatty acids slash colorectal cancer risk in men by 66 percent

I have no connection to, nor do I profit from this link at all, but here is one of the best sources I know of for excellent quality Omega-3 Fatty Acids… Krill Oil!

Antarctic Pure Krill Oil

The above link goes to Dr. Mercola’s site… and, as I say, I am not connected with him at all, except that I do take these myself, and find them to be VERY beneficial. I debated mentioning them specifically, but it is the only place I know of to get this particular product, at this quality.

Krill Oil supports a healthy heart, is beneficial for blood sugar health, supports the health of joints, the brain and nervous system, cells, skin, and many other areas that “Baby Boomers” (such as myself) are interested in supporting!

Traditional Naturopath Podcast #25

The Traditional Naturopath Podcast – 25 – (03/10/07)
Click on the “Play” button (the triangle pointing to the right) below to play it as Streaming Audio.

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Show Notes:
Dr. Bill does a little “ranting!” The prickly pear cactus (nopal) can lower blood sugar and positively impact your cholesterol levels. There’s a battle in North Carolina over the term “ND” because one group is trying to “take over” the term. It may sound like a bad science fiction movie, but it is real! Scientists are using human genes to combine with rice! Texas has taken away choice with regard to whether a young girl chooses to have a particular vaccine… she either has to get the vaccine, or she can’t go to school! This is directly in conflict with personal health freedoms!

The Truth on New Vaccines? Follow the Money!

Whether you get a given treatment of any kind should be YOUR choice, after all it is YOUR body… right? NOT according to Texas.. where the governor has signed into law a mandate for young girls to receive a vaccine whether they want it or not! Is it mere coincidence that he has been given campaign contributions from Merck, and that his former chief of staff is a lobbyist for Merck? The New York Times on February 17, 2007 reported, “In Texas, Gov. Rick Perry recently issued an order that girls be vaccinated. But some legislators are trying to overturn the order, with some opponents complaining because the governor’s former chief of staff is now a lobbyist for Merck.” As always, “follow the money!”

New York Times Report

Growing Controversy Over New Merck Vaccines

“Gardasil, Zostavax, and Rotateq were all vaccines introduced by Merck in late 2005 in an attempt to turn their finances around in the wake of litigation over thousands of deaths allegedly caused by the painkiller Vioxx. However, Gardasil has caused conflicts between state legislatures who want to require young girls to take it and parents who believe such laws circumvent their rights. Meanwhile, Rotateq, designed to prevent gastrointestinal illnesses in children, has led to growing incidents of intussusception, a rare and life-threatening form of intestinal blockage. In the wake of the continuing controversy over the Gardasil human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine, Merck has ended its lobbying campaign to make Gardasil a mandatory vaccine in the United States. The American Academy of Pediatrics, which has been supportive of Gardasil, was nonetheless pleased about the end of the campaign, citing concerns about requiring another vaccine for a problem that doesn’t have a large impact on health nationwide. At the same time, reports are being made of side effects associated with Gardasil, including fainting and dizziness. But a potentially far more dangerous risk is the growing incidence of intussusception among children who use Merck’s vaccine Rotateq. Intussusception occurs when the intestine telescopes into itself, causing an obstruction of the bowel that is repaired surgically.”

People should not be required to accept a treatment just because it will lead to the solvency of a business. YOU are the person most responsible for YOUR health!

It Sounds Like a Bad Movie Plot… But it is REAL!

Imagine… a group of renegade scientists conspire to create a new food crop by inbreeding a human gene into the plant! The crop is released to the public… strange, and unforeseen effects begin to be seen in the populace’s health! What to do!?!

Guess what? THIS IS NOT A BAD MOVIE SCRIPT! This is actually happening now! We need to push for labeling of “Frankenfoods” so that we will know what to avoid in the stores!

USDA approves mass planting of GM rice made with human genes

“For the first time, the USDA has given preliminary approval for large-scale planting of a genetically engineered food crop containing human genes. The rice grains, produced by California-based Ventria Bioscience, synthesize a human immune protein. The public comment period for this decision lasts until March 30, after which the decision will be finalized.”

Quote: “This is not a product that everyone would want to consume. It is unwise to produce drugs in plants outdoors.” – Jane Rissler, Union of Concerned Scientists

Health advocate Mike Adams says, “These experiments with genetically modified crops are, in my view, extremely dangerous and may ultimately lead to a genetic Chernobyl that could devastate the U.S. food supply. Such crops should never be allowed to be planted in the open. In giving this preliminary approval, the USDA seems to be once again leaning towards protecting corporate profits rather than public health. The motives of a regulatory agency that would allow such crops to be planted in open fields are highly questionable.”

This is, to my mind, insane, and unconscionable! At the VERY LEAST we should be informed of GMO foods (Genetically Modified Foods) so that we can avoid them… my concern is that we will not be told what is GMO and what is natural, and we will be unable to be assured of our own personal food supply!

The Battle in NC is Brewing Again!

What battle? The battle over the term “ND.” You would not think that a simple degree designation would be so volatile! The problem is that one school, Bastyr University, and one organization that they created, the CNME, has decided that no one can be an “ND” unless they graduated from one of their group’s schools. Imagine the “hew and cry” if NC State suddenly said, “No one can use the designation of ‘BA’ unless they graduated from NCSU!” I suspect the Chapel Hill alumni would not be happy! Well, that is precisely what is happening around the country as CNME representatives have coerced the state assemblies in each state to adopt very harse laws regarding the use of the term “ND.” Why? Control. And, exclusivity. If you can only function as an ND if you have a degree from a CNME approved school, then that gives them a built-in pool of students to train and get paid tuition from… as always, follow the money!

Now, some might say, “Well, why not just attend a CNME school?” Because the people in charge of those insitutions are philosophically opposed to traditional naturopathy! A “Naturopath” is historically simply a teacher of wellness, that by traditional definition DOES NOT use surgery, drugs, or other harsh, or invasive methodology in their consulting. In fact, the acknowledged founder of American Naturopathy, Dr. Benedict Lust, told Naturopaths, “Remember: Naturopaths are Doctors – minus Materia Medica and Surgery”. The “materia medica” Dr. Lust was referring to was prescription drugs. The CNME, and those of their ilk, have attempted to re-define Naturopathy to be a “poor man’s medicine” INCLUDING the use of surgery and prescribing drugs! If one wants to be an Allopathic Doctor (MD), then they should go to medical school and get an MD! It is folly to re-define the traditional, classic Naturopathic practices to include that which was never a part of the practice to begin with! They have begun calling themselves “NMDs” or “Naturopathic Medical Doctors,” and they wear white lab coats to help foster the notion that they are “medical men and women.” And they are attempting to re-define a traditional practice of teaching wellness, and are, at the same time, “cutting out the competition,” if you will, in one fell swoop!

The new proposed Bill that is going to the NC General Assembly states in cause (90.3.1):

“(1) approved program of naturopathic medicine — a graduate-level full-time didactic and supervised clinical training that is accredited, or has achieved candidacy status for accreditation, by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education naturopathic medical education program…”

Notice the organization… the CNME. This is the Bastyr group. They ONLY approve schools that define Naturopathy as allowing the use of surgery and drugs… which by definition is NOT naturopathy, it is allopathic medicine. This is a fundamental philosophical difference between the Bastyr folks and all traditional naturopaths.

Trinity College of Natural Health (my alma mater) could not, and would not, ever be approved by CNME. See this article on my “Classical Naturopathy” website:

in paragraph eight, specifically. Also notice in the proposed NC Bill in cause 90-810, (a) and (b):

“Use of Titles, and Prohibition Against Practice by Unlicensed Persons:
(a) Licensees shall use the title “naturopathic physician” and the recognized abbreviation “N.D.”. Persons licensed under this Article have the exclusive right to use the titles: ‘naturopathic physician’, ‘naturopathic doctor’, ‘doctor of naturopathic medicine’, ‘doctor of naturopathy’, ‘N.D.’, ‘ND’, and ‘NMD’
(b) No person shall represent himself or herself to the public as a naturopathic physician, a doctor of naturopathic medicine, a doctor of naturopathy, or as being otherwise authorized to practice naturopathic medicine in North Carolina without having the license required under this article.”

If I can not “represent” myself as a “doctor of naturopathy,” or “ND,” then ipso facto my legally acquired degree is nullified by a law. Would they legally remove the degree of “BA” or “PhD” because they didn’t like the school that granted the degree? Would anyone with a modicum of sense see this as reasonable?

At the VERY least, would there be no “grandfathering” clause, or recognition of a form of naturopath that DOES NOT want to dispense drugs or perform minor surgeries, or in other ways pretend to be a medical doctor? What of those of us that simply want to teach good health practices?

The Traditional Naturopathic “world” is getting weary of the “battle” with the CNME and their goal to usurp the term “ND,” and has established the term “CTN” (Certified Traditional Naturopath,”) that is a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath. The organization doing this is the American Naturopathic Certification Board. (Web site at:

CTN’s will continue to teach wellness even if they can not use their degrees. But, it is a sad state of affairs. The battle is already lost in states like SC and FL.

Nopal Plant Normalizes Blood Sugar!

This is exciting information about a little known herb that normalizes blood sugar! Why haven’t we heard about this plant before? I’ll give you some guesses.

Nopal plant normalizes blood sugar, treats diabetes, boosts insulin sensitivity

The ability for the prickly pear cactus (nopal) to lower blood sugar has been well documented by many studies. In traditional Mexican medicine, nopal is used for treating type-2 Diabetes. Mexican researchers found that people with non-insulin-dependent diabetes given broiled nopal stems experienced a large drop in blood sugar levels. It has been shown that daily consumption of 250 grams of this plant will lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels, according to a recent study. HDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels were not affected.”

Ready with those guesses? Here’s what natural health advocate, Mike Adams says about it: “Conventional medicine, including drug companies and the FDA, do not want the public to learn about nopal because it would cost Big Pharma hundreds of millions of dollars in annual profits from diabetes drug sales. The public is intentionally kept ignorant about natural treatments for diabetes as a way to maximize corporate profits.”

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