Volcanic Clay Kills Superbugs!

Weird! Some French volcanic clay apparently kills 99% of the bacteria that causes MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.) The mechanism is not fully understood, but it is unusual.

French Volcanic Clay Kills Antibiotic-Resistant MRSA Superbug

From Natural News: “Researchers have discovered that a clay made from volcanic ash in France has powerful antibiotic properties and is capable of killing even antibiotic-resistant superbugs such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). ‘It’s fascinating,’ said researcher Shelley Haydel, a microbiologist at Arizona State University. ‘Here we are bridging geology, microbiology, cell biology. A year ago, I’d look at the clay and say, ‘Well, that’s dirt.” MRSA is an antibiotic-resistant variety of the common bacteria that causes staph infections. This makes it more likely to develop potentially fatal complications, as it can proceed untreated for longer and spreads rapidly in institutional settings such as hospitals, prisons and schools. Researchers added the volcanic clay, called agricur, to cell colonies of MRSA, and found that 99 percent of colonies were eliminated within 24 hours. In the same time period, colonies not treated with the clay grew by 45 percent. The clay exhibited similar antibiotic effects against salmonella, E. coli and buruli. Buruli is a flesh-eating relative of leprosy that causes disfigurement of children. Due to its prevalence in Africa, the World Health Organization has classified it as ‘an emerging public health threat.’ The researchers do not yet know what about the clay is responsible for its antibiotic properties. While clay has a history as a folk remedy for nausea and a spa treatment, the former use has not been seriously studied and the latter is due to clay’s ability to hold heat and draw out toxins. ‘We have multiple working hypotheses,’ to explain the properties of antibacterial clay, researcher Lynda Williams said. ‘Our primary hypothesis is that the clay minerals transfer elements, not yet identified, to the bacteria that impede their metabolic function. It is entirely possible that it is not one single element that is toxic to the bacteria, but a combination of elements and chemical conditions that attack the bacteria from different angles so as to overwhelm their defense systems.'”

Notice that is was used as a “folk remedy” and was discounted until someone said, “Let’s research this.” I suspect there are a lot of “folk remedies” that have benefits, if they were just taken seriously!

California Set to Outlaw Supplements with Higher than RDA Levels!

California is at it again! This time they are considering a law that would effectively ban supplements as “cancer-causing agents” if their legislation passes! California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment is proposing language to add to proposition 65 that “would essentially classify all vitamin-and-mineral dietary supplements with above-RDA potencies as cancer-causing agents unless proven otherwise.”

Now, first of all, we have to understanding that the RDA is what it says it is… the MINIMUM Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for an average individual. We also need to ask, “Who is doing the ‘recommending?'” The FDA, of course. And, we always trust them, right? (I am, of course, being facetious!) I would recommend reading the works of such luminaries as Dr. Linus Pauling for more information on what is, and is not, “safe” as a recommended daily allowance of certain vitamins and minerals.

Now, to say that anything over these minimal amounts is dangerous, or cancer causing is absurd! But, they are saying it! And, sadly, the law may pass! Unless you folks in California stand up and make your voices heard!

California Targeting Safe Supplements – Don’t Let Them Succeed – ACT NOW!

“California – ever known for its luscious beauty, endless energy, and general wackiness – is on the verge of stepping off the edge of the cliff yet again. A trial balloon is being floated by California’s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) to limit the potency of vitamin-and-mineral supplements under California’s Proposition 65 as cancer-causing agents. Proposition 65’s history is well-known within the State. In November 1986, voters in the State of California approved Proposition 65, in the belief that its passage would help protect them from toxic chemicals in the environment. Officially known as the ‘Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986,’ almost everyone these days just calls it Prop 65. Prop 65 requires the State to publish a list of those chemicals ‘known’ to cause cancer or birth defects or other reproductive harm. This list is updated at least annually and has ballooned to include some 775 chemicals. Although Prop 65 uses the term ‘known,’ in the real world substances on the list are not necessarily known to cause cancer but are only those that could, under certain circumstances, pose a risk of cancer based upon the interpretation of existing scientific data, such as animal studies. Prop 65 also requires businesses with 10 or more employees to notify Californians about the presence of listed chemicals in their products, in consumers’ and employees’ homes or workplaces, or that are released into the environment. The law further prohibits California businesses from knowingly discharging significant amounts of listed chemicals into drinking-water sources. OEHHA administers this program. Scott Tips, the President and General Counsel of the National Health Federation, notes that, ‘Without the warnings on listed products, private legal bounty hunters can sue those companies in violation of Prop 65, even though no harm from the products is ever demonstrated, and exact enormous legal and other costs. While some (not much) good has resulted from Prop 65, like all government programs the good intentions quickly lead to enormously bad consequences that far outstrip any possible good. One easy example of this is the Prop 65 listing of natural progesterone as a cancer-causing agent when in fact it helps counteract the carcinogenic effects of estrogen. Natural, bio-identical progesterone is an important hormone-replacement therapy for women, many of whom have been unfortunately scared away from its health benefits by the Prop 65 warnings that are mandated on the product.’ ‘Without such warnings,’ Mr. Tips continues, ‘the products and their manufacturers and distributors are sitting ducks. In fact, one growth industry spawned by Prop 65 consists of numerous private law firms dedicated to shooting first and asking questions later in a ‘no prisoners taken’ attempt to earn huge legal fees while doing a bare-minimum of public good. The State and County governments may also bring legal action, but often it is these vulture firms that are first out of the gate to win the jackpot. After all, BMWs and exotic vacations must be paid for somehow.’ OEHHA, it says, is proposing regulatory language – in concept only and not as a formal regulatory proposal, mind you – that would essentially classify all vitamin-and-mineral dietary supplements with above-RDA potencies (note they still use the old Recommended Daily Allowance term instead of the correct RDI, or Recommended Dietary Intake) as cancer-causing agents unless proven otherwise. Because California’s Prop 65 has nationwide impact due to the size of the market, consumers can easily imagine the harm this will do with substances that have a long history of being incredibly safe and effective.”

The Inuit Paradox and Cardiovascular Disease

The Inuit people up north, when they eat a traditional diet (for their tribes) of whale blubber and seal meat with very little fruits and vegetables SHOULD be markedly high in cardiovascular disease, right? That is, according to the medical research that has been done up to this point. The why is such disease almost unknown to the Inuit… UNLESS they begin to eat a typical western diet… then, such disease is as rampant in them as in most Americans. What is “protecting” them when they eat a traditional Inuit diet?

Taking a Closer Look at the Inuit Paradox and Cardiovascular Disease

“One of the differences is that the traditional Inuit’s diet is very high in Omega-3 fats while our western diet is very high in Omega-6 fats. Science has shown that the ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3 should be as close to a ratio of 1:1 and certainly no more than 4:1. Inuits are about the only peoples to approach the 1:1 ratio while we typically come in at 20:1 and the real junk foodists are measuring in at upwards of 50:1 ratios. A balanced Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio promotes a homeostasis, non-inflammatory state in the body while a tilt to the high Omega-6 side will promote an inflammatory and therefore disease and degenerative state. Here is what happens with the imbalance. Man-made vegetable oil diets (margarine and other hydrogenated oils) are high in Omega-6 fatty acids and as such convert into high levels of Arachidonic Acid (‘AA’). This molecule is the necessary precursor to Prostaglandin 2, a ‘pro-inflammatory’, albeit necessary hormone-like molecule found in all cells. The excessive amounts of ‘AA’ in our Omega-6 rich western diets thus contribute largely to our chronic inflammatory degenerative diseases such as CVD, asthma and arthritis. Conversely, a diet rich in Omega-3 fatty acids contains the now well-known essential fatty acid molecule ‘EPA’. EPA is responsible for the production of Prostaglandin ‘3’, an anti-inflammatory molecule and therefore a soothing response to our runaway ‘silent’ and not so silent inflammatory and disease states. Therein is one of the secrets to preventing the majority of cardiovascular diseases. Inuits consume large amounts of seal meat and blubber and thus receive significant amounts of three (3) essential fatty acids EPA, DHA, DPA. The latter, is not readily found in fish oils. DPA is an important factor in preventing plaque and keeping the arteries soft and elastic. EPA is a huge factor in fighting inflammation while DHA is the essential molecule for brain, nerve and eye tissues and is a powerful factor for normalizing blood and tissue triglycerides. You can see why seal oil has become my first choice for the 3 pre-formed Omega-3 essential fatty acids (EFA’s) and is an integral part of my heart prevention trio of necessary therapeutic nutrients. Vitamin C is anther important factor. But where do Inuits get their Vitamin C? This puzzled me for many years until I discovered that seal and whale skin and blubber (‘Muktuk’ or ‘Muktaaq’, an Inuit favorite), and to a lesser extent seal meat, are rich in this essential collagen forming antioxidant vitamin. Thus the Inuit on a traditional diet gets more Vitamin C than the average westerners typically do. We know that Vitamin C is essential in Collagen synthesis, a necessary factor in artery strength and integrity, and a prime factor in reversing and preventing heart disease. Seal meat and especially blubber, are also very high in Vitamins E, A, D and selenium. Recently, researchers have concluded that these inherent antioxidants are very big reasons why Inuits are free of CVD while other mostly fish eating populations are still prone to this disease. Fish oils alone will not do the same as will seal oil. Important in the conversion of Omega-6 oils into Omega-3 EFA’s are optimum levels of magnesium, selenium, zinc, B3 (niacin) and B6. The conversion just won’t happen without these essential nutrients. Liquid ionic magnesium forms part of my heart prevention ‘trio’ of nutrients mentioned above. To gain the upper hand on Cardiovascular Disease and other inflammatory degenerative diseases, we can all learn from the tried and true Omega 3 fat-rich Inuit diet. We should immediately strive to achieve a better balance of Omega-6 to Omega-3 fats in our deficient Western diets. While eating seal meat and blubber does not appeal to the vast majority of us, supplementing with 3-4 grams of seal oil daily could go a long way in reversing the trend towards heart disease and strokes. Eating more fish is another good way.”

Traditional Naturopath Podcast #43

The Traditional Naturopath Podcast – 43 – (03/15/08)
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Show Notes:
Dr. Bill discusses evidence that TV shows may be showing natural health practices in a favorable light. A new theme for the blog. Natto as a health food. The government finally admits the vaccine-autism link! And, finally, is butter a health food?

Is Butter a Health Food?

Before you answer this question, read the article I have linked to below:

Recent Studies and Age Old Wisdom Point to the Health Benefits of Butter

“Someone really should write an ode to butter. Pure delicious golden butter that comes from grass fed, pastured, contented cows. Beautiful butter that wants to nourish us and protect us from disease if we would only give it a chance. But alas, all we have today is attacked, maligned and mistreated butter. Butter that’s been the whipping child of the diet dictators and the food police for decades. Well, it’s time for us to stop convicting butter of imagined terrible crimes. It’s time to restore butter to its proper place on our tables and in our hearts. This negativity about butter would come as a surprise to the many people around the globe who have valued butter for its life-sustaining properties throughout history. In the 1930’s Dr. Weston Price, a dentist who sought the answer for tooth decay, studied native diets in fourteen different cultures around the world. He found that butter was a staple in the diets of isolated, non-industrialized peoples who displayed supreme health. Children who were raised on diets in which butter was a central ingredient grew to be robust, sturdy and free of tooth decay. According to information published by The Weston Price Foundation, Swiss villagers placed a bowl of butter on their church alters, set a wick in it, and let it burn throughout the year as a sign of the divinity of the butter. How did butter get to be our enemy instead of our friend? Two opposing forces were at work in America following World War II. Women returned to being full time mothers and family caretakers igniting an interest in health and nutrition. And corporations had to retool from the war effort and find something to sell to these women. Food technology became the obvious answer. In order to reap huge profits from the products of food technology, a stake had to be driven through the hearts of the tried and true foods that people had relied on for generations. Disinformation ad campaigns were launched to assert that naturally saturated fats from animal sources were the cause of disease. The idea of margarine was sold to physicians much like drugs are sold today. In their ignorance physicians told their patients to stop eating butter and start eating margarine. Soon everyone ‘knew’ that margarine was better for health than butter. Once an idea becomes popular opinion, it tends to persist even in the face of evidence to the contrary. Today, butter is still viewed as our enemy in spite of the fact that hundreds of highly motivated studies have been unable to confirm a link between butter and disease. Does butter really cause disease? Quite the contrary. Butter actually protests us against many of the diseases on the increase today.”

The above is just an excerpt of the whole article, I double dog dare you to read the whole article with your prejudices aside… and see what you think. What if we HAVE been lied to about butter? It has to be better for you than a stick of chemicals (called “margarine!”)

More excerpts:

“Butter is rich in nutrients that protect the heart. First among them is the antioxidant, vitamin A, needed for health of the thyroid and adrenal glands which help maintain proper functioning of the whole cardiovascular system. Butter is the best and most readily absorbed source of vitamin A. Butter also contains lecithin, a substance needed for the proper assimilation and metabolism of cholesterol and other fat constituents. It also contains the antioxidant vitamin E and selenium which are protective of the whole cardiovascular system.”

“Long chain fatty acids found in polyunsaturated oils, butter substitutes, and hydrogenated fats, are immunosuppressive. Short and medium chain fatty acids found in butter have immune system strengthening properties. These medium chain fatty acids are also more easily absorbed, digested, and utilized as energy than the long chain fatty acids.”

“Short and medium fatty acid chains also have strong anti-tumor effects, particularly 12-carbon lauric acid, a medium chain fatty acid not found in other animal fats. Highly protective lauric acid is a conditional essential fatty acid because it is made only by the mammary glands and not in the liver like other saturated fats. Although it is obtainable from large amounts of coconut oil, it may be more easily obtained from small amounts of butterfat.”

“The anti-fungal and anti-tumor effects of butyric acid, a short chain fatty acid, are unique to butter. Butyric acid is an energy source for the cells lining the colon, where it plays a part in development and maintenance. It reduces chronic inflammation of the colon, and high fecal levels correlate with decreased colon cancer risk. In people with compromised immune systems, undifferentiated cell growth can be inhibited by butyric acid.”

“Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), present in butter in large amounts, has shown to be an anti-carcinogen in several animals studies. CLA has also been shown to inhibit the body’s mechanism for storing fat and results in the body’s utilization of fatty reserves for energy.”

“The fat soluble antioxidant vitamins in butter as well as selenium and cholesterol, are also protective against cancer.”

“In addition to vitamin A and E, butter contains vitamin D which is essential to the proper absorption of calcium and therefore necessary for proper bone growth and the development of healthy teeth. The rising rates of osteoporosis in milk drinking western nations may be due to people choosing skim milk over whole, thinking it is better for them. Butter is also protective against tooth decay.”

“Butter is one of the few foods that supply an adequate amount of iodine in a highly absorbable form. Iodine is critical for proper thyroid functioning as is vitamin A.”

“Butter contains small but nearly equal amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. This excellent balance between linoleic and linolenic acid helps prevent the problems associated with excessive consumption of omega-6 fatty acids.”

Makes you think, doesn’t it? What else have we been lied to about with regard to health?

US Government Concedes Vaccines Cause Autism

This is a Press Release from CoMeD:

“The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the federal agency that oversees the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), recently conceded the first vaccine-autism case. This case was filed in the no-fault National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program as part of the Autism Omnibus proceedings in the U.S. Federal Court of Claims. It was one of the first three cases chosen that alleged Thimerosal in childhood vaccines significantly contributed to a child developing autism.

Clifford Shoemaker, of Shoemaker and Associates of Vienna, Virginia, is the attorney of record in the Hanna Poling v. Secretary of HHS (case: 02-1466V). Experts filing on behalf of the petitioner, Hanna Poling, included pediatric neurologist, Dr. Andrew Zimmerman of Johns Hopkins University, and Maryland geneticist and epidemiologist, Dr. Mark Geier of the Genetic Centers of America.

This concession shows the dishonesty of the continual media spin coming from public health officials and others who maintain there is no evidence that Thimerosal, or any other part of any vaccine, has ever caused autism or, for that matter, has harmed anyone in any way.

The facts are that the Vaccine Compensation Act has already compensated over 2,000 individuals who proved that they were harmed by vaccines, resulting in settlements of nearly two billion dollars.

Additionally, hundreds of peer-reviewed scientific/medical articles from some the world’s best universities have long implicated Thimerosal in vaccines as a causal factor in neurodevelopmental disorders including autism. Furthermore, in 2003, the U.S. House of Representatives’ Government Reform Committee, after a 3.5-year investigation, concluded that Thimerosal caused the autism epidemic and that the FDA and health authorities were guilty of ‘institutional malfeasance’ in covering it up. Evidence supporting the connection between mercury and autism include:

1. Published studies from the US and France showing that urinary porphyrins, a biomarker for body-burden of mercury, are elevated in patients diagnosed with autistic disorders (https://www.mercury-freedrugs.org).
2. A published study by researchers at Harvard University that found twice as much mercury and oxidative stress in the brains of those with an autism diagnosis as found in the brains of those who were normal.
3. A study from the US showing a significant relationship between increasing blood mercury levels and an increased risk of a diagnosis of an autistic disorder.
4. Numerous papers by independent researchers showing a link between increasing mercury exposure from childhood vaccines and the risk of a child developing an autistic disorder.
5. Several papers showing that adding low levels of Thimerosal to certain blood, brain, eye, immune, liver and/or muscle cells poisons their cellular mitochondrial pathways and can induce cell death.

Today, despite being banned in Europe and restricted in 7 U.S. states, Thimerosal-containing flu vaccines are still recommended for routine administration to pregnant women and infants, with little or no warning of the presence of this known poison in these and other vaccines.

Vaccines have and will continue to save many lives. However, an immediate ban and recall of vaccines and other drugs containing mercury compounds used in their production must be instituted immediately to stop the epidemic of developmental disorders, including autism, caused by the unsound use of mercury in medicine.”

For more information, please visit CoMeD’s website:

This is a pretty amazing concession, but I am willing to bet there will be almost NO news coverage of it!

Japanese Natto is a Powerful Health Food!

Check out the link below for an exciting article on the power of Natto!

Natural Enzyme in a Japanese Food Dissolves Blood Clots

“Studies have confirmed that an enzyme present in a Japanese fermented soy food is effective in lowering blood pressure and dissolving clots. The food, natto, has been eaten by the Japanese for 1,000 years because of its taste and also as a remedy for heart and vascular diseases. No problems have been identified with its use. The enzyme, nattokinase, is present in natto, a fermented cheese-like food which is produced by adding the beneficial bacteria Bacillus natto to boiled soybeans. Nattokinase, literally ‘enzyme in natto’, was discovered in 1980 by Doctor Hiroyuki Sumi, who was researching natural substances which could dissolve blood clots associated with heart attacks and stroke. Its properties closely resemble plasmin, an enzyme produced by the human body which breaks down such blood clots. Besides its ability to dissolve clots, nattokinase has other advantages over the traditional clot-dissolving drugs, such as activase, urokinase, and streptokinase. It can be taken orally instead of intravenously and its effects last longer – eight to ten hours longer. This is because the intravenous drugs wear off shortly after their administration to the person is stopped. In addition, this enzyme acts to enhance the production of the body’s natural clot-busting substances like plasmin, adding to its power.”

Is TV Starting to Show Value In Alternative Medicine?

From a recent mailing from the American Association for Health Freedom (AAHF)

There has been much discussion in the media and on blogs and message boards about the pilot episode of Eli Stone and its fictional legal case focusing on the link between autism and vaccinations.

What has not been discussed is the recurring character of an “alternative medicine” practitioner – actually an acupuncturist – who is portrayed in a positive light.

Could this be the start of a new trend? One where, if the mainstream media won’t acknowledge the growing acceptance of alternative medicine, then entertainment will?

Eli Stone is not the first TV series to feature another side of medicine. Shonda Rhimes, Grey’s Anatomy creator, introduced the character, Dr. Pete Wilder, an alternative medicine doctor (an MD and an acupuncturist) first on an episode of Grey’s Anatomy in the spring of last year.

Dr. Pete’s methods and opinions are treated with respect by most of the other practitioners in the show’s wellness clinic. Many of the episodes have featured alternative medicine helping a patient, oftentimes when traditional medicine has failed.

Brenna Hill, Executive Director of the American Association for Health Freedom acknowledges, “Hats off to Shonda Rhimes and ABC/Disney for taking the lead. Integrative medicine and alternative health care is increasing in predominance in the United States and needs to be showcased so consumers know traditional medicine is not the only option available.” According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) – the federal government’s lead agency for scientific research on complementary and alternative medicine – 62% of adults in America are using some form of complementary and alternative medicine.

Rhimes and the Grey’s Anatomy writers continue to show value in alternative medicine. A January 10th episode, “Lay Your Hands on Me” featured a patient who was a faith healer who is shown as healing or assisting in the healing of other patients, herself, and even the infant son of one of the surgeons.

Also on ABC, is new show Pushing Daisies whose female lead bakes pies with homeopathic remedies to reduce the depression of her aunts who believe she is dead.

If the pilot episode of Eli Stone is any indication of the way entertainment is embracing alternative medicine then Dr. Chen’s words to Eli should ring true, “Everything has two explanations: scientific and divine. We choose which one to believe.”

Hill applauds the writers and creators, as well as the studios and networks, “I think that it’s very courageous and forward-thinking to show the other side of healthcare. In the face of potentially losing Big Pharma advertising or dealing with knee-jerk reactions from medical societies who are afraid of losing their turf, it’s important that content is not dictated by financial incentives.”

Hill adds, “The discussions that characters are now engaging in on TV about alternative medicine and healthcare options are ones that we should be having with friends and family as well as with our practitioner. Many individuals turn to alternative medicine after traditional medicine has “failed” them. It’s important to find a practitioner who you’re comfortable discussing your health options and alternative medicine.”

It will be interesting to see if this is a trend, and if it will continue!

Traditional Naturopath Podcast #42

The Traditional Naturopath Podcast – 42 – (02/09/08)
Click on the “Play” button (the triangle pointing to the right) below to play it as Streaming Audio.

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Show Notes:
“Mega-doses” of copper might help an enlarged heart, the TRUTH about cholesterol! Why the drug companies keep lowering the “target number” on us! Help NC-CHF by searching the web!

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