Dietary Fiber May Help Reduce Risk of Death in Older Americans

We are not getting enough fiber in our diets. The “Standard American Diet” (SAD) is not a fiber-rich diet. Yet, a new study concludes that dietary fiber is beneficial, especially to older Americans.

Dietary Fiber Intake and Mortality in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study

In an article in the Archives of Internal Medicine, the conclusion of the study said, “Dietary fiber may reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular, infectious, and respiratory diseases. Making fiber-rich food choices more often may provide significant health benefits.”

Dietary Fiber: Study’s Findings Suggest High Fiber Diets May Increase Lifespan

“Dietary fiber, particularly those from whole grains, has been shown by a recent study published online in the Archives of Internal Medicine and reported by, to help reduce the risk of deaths caused by heart and respiratory diseases.

‘Our analysis adds to the literature and suggests that dietary fiber is associated with a decreased likelihood of death,’ says study researcher Yikyung Park, ScD, a staff scientist at the National Cancer Institute in Rockville, Md.

The study found that men and women who consumed the most dietary fiber ‘were 22% less likely to die from any cause when compared to study participants who ate the least amount of fiber,’ according to Webmd, which added that ‘the protective effect came mainly from cereal fiber in grains, not other sources of fiber such as fruits and vegetables.’

Diets rich in fiber tended to have the effect of decreasing high blood-sugar and cholesterol levels. Experts also suspect that fibers may possess some anti-inflammatory properties which may help explain their positive effect on diseases originating from or linked to inflammation, although more studies need to be performed in order to confirm this theory.”

Exercise Boosts Memory!

There are many benefits to exercise. Weight loss. Building muscle mass. Heart health. But, brain health as well? Yes, a study indicates that regular, consistent walking can increase your memory!

Aerobic Exercise Boosts Memory

“A year of moderate exercise doesn’t just bulk up muscles—it beefs up the brain, too, a new study finds. A memory center in the brain called the hippocampus shrinks a little bit each year with age, but older adults who walked routinely for a year actually gained hippocampus volume, researchers report in a study to appear in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

“I think it’s a very exciting contribution to see that walking at a fairly vigorous rate will actually affect a key structure of the brain,” says neuroscientist Carl Cotman of the University of California, Irvine, who was not involved in the study. “So for healthy elderly, it’s good news and would hopefully encourage people to figure that exercise is worth it.”

In the study, 60 adults aged 55 to 80 scaled up gradually until they walked for 40 minutes three times a week, enough to get their heart rates up. Sixty other participants did toning workouts that included weight training, yoga sessions and stretching for the same amount of time. After a year of toning, a part of these subjects’ brains called the anterior hippocampus lost a little over 1 percent of its volume. In contrast, a year of aerobic exercise led to about a 2 percent increase in anterior hippocampus volume.

Study participants who got their heart rates up performed slightly better on a memory test and had higher levels of a brain-aiding molecule called BDNF, the researchers found.”

The Many Marvels of Magnesium!

This is an exerpt of an article (link below) by Catherine Stack in the Niagara Gazette. Catherine is a naturopathic doctor and a nurse-midwife. Check out her recommendations on the use of Magnesium.

NATURAL HEALTH: The Many Marvels of Magnesium

“Next to Omega-3’s and Vitamin D3, magnesium ranks as one of my favorite supplements. No other supplement has noticeably improved a variety of conditions in such a short amount of time.

Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in your body. It helps to maintain muscle and nerve function, helps keep heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong. Magnesium also helps regulate blood sugar levels, promotes normal blood pressure, and is known to be involved in energy metabolism and protein synthesis.

Suffer from muscle cramps, muscle pain and restless leg syndrome? Taking magnesium can improve your symptoms in as little as a few days. Chronic headaches, including migraines, will likely become less frequent and may resolve themselves all together.

For those of you who worry about your heart and may have high blood pressure, magnesium may help you as well. Magnesium has been shown to regulate heart rhythm, prevent angina, control high blood pressure, and limit the complications of congestive heart failure.

I have had amazing results helping those with IBS and chronic constipation. Magnesium deficiency is a common finding in the constipated individual. Constipated people typically suffer from frequent headaches and magnesium helps both problems.

In the world of obstetrics, magnesium plays a very important and potentially lifesaving roll in preventing seizures in women who have pre-eclampsia or HELLP syndrome. Many pregnant women also suffer leg cramps and constipation and oral supplementation will help both of these common complaints.

Deficiency of magnesium can present psychiatric symptoms including depression, anxiety, restlessness, and irritability. Children with ADHD are deficient in many common minerals, most often magnesium, zinc, and iron. Magnesium supplementation significantly decreases the hyperactivity symptoms in children with ADHD.”

Green Tea May Help Ward Off Dementia, and Protect Against Cancer

More benefits from Green Tea!

Green tea could help ward off dementia, scientists show

It could also play a vital role in protecting the body against cancer, the study in the journal Phytomedicine suggests.

Led by Ed Okello, the Newcastle University team wanted to know if the protective properties known to be present in the freshly brewed form are still active once the tea has been digested.

Dr Okello, from the university’s School of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, said: ‘What was really exciting about this study was that we found when green tea is digested by enzymes in the gut, the resulting chemicals are actually more effective against key triggers of Alzheimer’s development than the undigested form of the tea.’

‘In addition to this, we also found the digested compounds had anti-cancer properties, significantly slowing down the growth of the tumour cells which we were using in our experiments.’

Digestion is a vital process which provides our bodies with the nutrients we need to survive. But nutrients are not necessarily absorbed into the body once food is digested. “It’s one of the reasons why we have to be so careful when we make claims about the health benefits of various foods and supplements,” Okello said.

‘There are certain chemicals we know to be beneficial and we can identify foods which are rich in them but what happens during the digestion process is crucial to whether these foods are actually doing us any good.’

As part of the research, the Newcastle team worked in collaboration with Dr Gordon McDougall of the Plant Products and Food Quality Group at the Scottish Crop Research Institute in Dundee, who developed technology which simulates the human digestive system.”

A Component in Birch Bark May Treat Metabolic Disorders

Herbs and natural treatments are amazing things! In fact, so much of what we have today is derived from natural sources, it is no wonder scientists are taking a second look at natural sources to treat and help conditions. Now, it appears that simple birch tree bark may contain a beneficail treatment for metabolic disorders and obesity!

Betulin in birch bark could treat metabolic disorders

“In an animal study, researchers found betulin from birch bark lowered cholesterol, obesity and improved insulin resistance.
Scientists studied betulin in mice finding the ingredient that is abundant in birch bark lowered cholesterol and improved insulin sensitivity. They also found the mice became more resistant to plaque buildup in the arteries that can lead to heart attack.

According to Bao-Liang Song of the Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, betulin has several benefits for metabolic health because it targets sterol regulatory element-binding proteins (SREBPs) that activate cholesterol, fatty acid and triglyceride biosynthesis.

He says, ‘Our study shows that the SREBP pathway is a good target for several metabolic diseases.’ In the study Liang’s team treated mice fed a high fat Western diet with either betulin or the cholesterol lowering drug lovastatin or a placebo.”

Olive Oil Helps the Heart!

Olive Oil, and green, leafy vegetables are heart healthy!

More evidence olive oil and veggies help the heart

“(Reuters Health) – It’s no secret that eating well is good for both body and mind, so it may not come as a surprise that a new study finds women who eat more olive oil and leafy vegetables such as salads and cooked spinach are significantly less likely to develop heart disease.

A group of Italian researchers found that women who ate at least 1 serving of leafy vegetables per day were more than 40 percent less likely to develop heart disease over an average of eight years, relative to women who ate two or fewer portions of those vegetables each week.

Women who downed at least 3 tablespoons of olive oil daily – such as in salad dressing – were also 40 percent less likely to be diagnosed with heart disease, compared to women who ate the least olive oil.

It’s not exactly clear why specifically leafy vegetables and olive oil may protect the heart, study author Dr. Domenico Palli of the Cancer Research and Prevention Institute in Florence told Reuters Health. “Probably the mechanisms responsible for the protective effect of plant-origin foods on cardiovascular diseases involve micronutrients such as folate, antioxidant vitamins and potassium, all present in green leafy vegetables.”

Folate reduces blood levels of homocysteine, Palli explained, which is thought to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease by damaging the inner lining of arteries. Other studies have shown people who eat more potassium have lower blood pressure, which can protect the cardiovascular system. Virgin olive oil may be particularly effective at lowering heart disease risk because of its high level of antioxidant plant compounds, he added.”

Green Tea May Strengthen Your Teeth!

Green tea has many health benefits, but one that I saw recently is intriguing! It may strengthen your teeth! Check out this article:


“A cup of green tea a day may keep the dentist away. That’s the finding of new research published in Preventive Medicine. The findings show that drinking at least one cup of green tea a day increases the odds of keeping your teeth as you age. The researchers suspect that antimicrobial molecules called catechins present in green tea and in lesser amounts in oolong tea provide the benefit. But be careful if you like your tea with sugar: sweetener may negate the effect, the team found. ‘Green tea may have bacteriocidal effects, which would affect teeth, but only if you drink it without sugar,’ said Alfredo Morabia, of Columbia University in New York and editor of Preventive Medicine, who wrote an editorial accompanying the new research. ‘They also reported that drinking sweet coffee was actually deleterious,’ he added. ‘Coffee alone had no problem, but sweet coffee would actually make you lose your teeth.'”

Candida Infections – Another Conversation with Chuckie Daniel!

Chuckie: So, Doctor Bill, what’s up with Candida?

Dr. Bill: Candida is a form of yeast, and these “infections” are sometimes called “yeast infections.” There has been a rise in yeast infections, mainly due to two things: one, the huge amount of sugar consumed by the population these days, and two, the use (some would say, over-use) of antibiotics. Antibiotics are literally “anti” (against), “bio” life, in other words they kill things! Now, most of the time, properly used, antibiotics kill bacterial infections, and that is good. However, there are good bacteria in your gut called probiotics. (Pro=”for,” Bio=”life”) In other words, these good bacteria promote a healthy life, and healthy digestion… their presence also keeps the amount of yeast infections down. The problem with antibiotics is that they kill off the good bacteria in your gut as well as the bad! Then, you are “ripe” for a yeast infection… especially if you eat a lot of sugar, the perfect growth medium for the yeast!

Chuckie: Ouch! So, what can we do?

Dr. Bill: Well, take it up with your healthcare professional, but you can fight yeast naturally with a combination of diet (cut out sugar!) And, anti-candida herbal treatments like Pau De Arco. Probably the easiest way to take Pau De Arco is in tea. Teabags are available from many online pharmacies and supplement stores. Caprylic Acid (or Octanoid Acid) is an anti-fungal agent found naturally in coconuts and breast milk. It is available in capsules, and is very beneficial in fighting off a Candida infection. Also beneficial, is probiotic capsules that will then replace the probiotics that have been “killed off” in your gut! If at all possible, try and find probiotic capsules that are “enteric-coated” so that they will make it through the digestive tract, and to the intestines, where they are really needed!

Chuckie: Are there symptoms of yeast infection?

Dr. Bill: Some of the symptoms include: abdominal gas and bloating, headaches, migraines, excessive fatigue, cravings for alcohol, anxiety, cravings for sweets, inability to think clearly or concentrate, hyperactivity, mood swings, diarrhea, constipation, hyperactivity, itching, chronic pain and many more! I know it sounds like a “catch-all,” but that it why it so often goes undiagnosed! It is particularly responsible for stopping the progress of someone losing weight! That is one reason Dr. Atkins had a whole chapter of his book on low carb dieting that covers just this one issue!

Chuckie: Well, thank for the info, Doc!

Vitamin D Better Than Flu Vaccine!

According to a recent study in Japan, good old, natural Vitamin D is better than the flu vaccine!

Vitamin D Study in Japan

“It now appears there is proof that Vitamin D is better at preventing flu than vaccinations. The risk of children suffering from flu can be halved if they take vitamin D, doctors in Japan have found. The finding has implications for flu epidemics since vitamin D, which is naturally produced by the human body when exposed to direct sunlight, has no significant side effects, costs little and can be several times more effective than anti-viral drugs or vaccine.

Only one in ten children, aged six to 15 years, taking the sunshine vitamin in a clinical trial came down with flu compared with one in five given a dummy tablet. Mitsuyoshi Urashima, the Japanese doctor who led the trial, told The Times that vitamin D was more effective than vaccines in preventing flu.

Vitamin D was found to be even more effective when the comparison left out children who were already given extra vitamin D by their parents, outside the trial. Taking the sunshine vitamin was then shown to reduce the risk of flu to a third of what it would otherwise be.

Altogether 354 children took part in the trial, which took place during the winter of 2008-09, before the swine flu epidemic. Vitamin D was found to protect against influenza A, which caused last year’s epidemic, but not against the less common influenza B.

The trial, which was double blind, randomized, and fully controlled scientifically, was conducted by doctors and scientists from Jikei University School of Medicine in Tokyo, Japan.

The children were given a daily dose of 1200 IUs (international units) of vitamin D over a period of three months. In the first month children in the group taking the vitamin became ill just as often as those taking the dummy tablet. But by the second month, when the vitamin level in the children’s blood was higher, the advantage of the vitamin was clear.

The Japanese scientists, writing in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, say that the anti-viral drugs zanamivir and oseltamivir reduce risk of flu infection by 8 per cent in children who have been exposed to infection, compared with a 50 per cent or greater reduction with vitamin D.”

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