Black Currants may help Alzheimers
The Black Currant is an herb occasionally found wild in damp woods as far north as the middle of Scotland, but is considered to be a true native only in Yorkshire and the Lake District – when found apparently wild in other parts of the country, its presence is due to the agency of birds. It is easily distinguished at all seasons by the strong perfume of its buds and leaves. The Black Currant herb has been studied recently with regard to Alzheimers:
Black currants contain anthocyanins and polyphenolics, antioxidant compounds that pack a potent protective effect on neuronal cells against stressors caused by dopamine and amyloid-b, the peptide associated with Alzheimer’s.
These compounds protect a patient from Alzheimer’s at the cellular level early on by influencing gene expression in learning and memory that benefits cell signaling pathways and, subsequently, communication between neuronal cells, according to researchers.