Scientists Confirm Folk Remedy Repels Mosquitoes

You know that as a Naturopath, I am always fascinated by how natural, non-chemical approaches keep turning out to be the best methodology for treating conditions and, generally, solving problems. Well, here’s a natural approach to the age-old problem of repelling mosquitoes! The American beautyberry plant, Callicarpa americana, that may keep the chomping insects away.

Scientists Confirm Folk Remedy Repels Mosquitoes

“Three repellent chemicals were extracted during the 12-month study: callicarpenal, intermedeol and spathulenol. The research concluded that all three chemicals repulse mosquitoes known to transmit yellow fever and malaria. Mosquitoes carrying the West Nile virus were not tested as part of the study, but the USDA-ARS has since filed a patent application to use callicarpenal as an anthropod repellent.”

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